Category Archives: endermologie®

#ThighReading: Celebrating Skin Imperfections

Many women are celebrating their skin imperfections by posting photos of stretch marks, scars, wrinkles and other skin imperfections on social media with the hashtag #ThighReading. The movement started when a young woman, known by the Twitter handle of @princess_labia, tweeted a photo of the stretch marks on her thighs along with the caption, “palm readings <<<< thigh readings”. (more…) (Read more)

endermologie® for Sports: Increase Blood Flow and Energy


Aside from the obvious aesthetic benefits endermologie® treatments provide, the deep tissue mobilization also increases blood flow, relieves muscle tension and spasms and increases overall functional mobility – all pluses for weekend warriors and amateur and professional athletes. With goals always focusing on the win, athletes necessarily push their bodies to exceed their own limits, training hard to attain peak… (Read more)

Creating endermologie® Customer Loyalty and Recurring Revenue

No matter the endermologie®® business size, customer loyalty is incredibly important. Repeat customers can spend up 10x or more than new customers. While increasing clientele is always the goal, it’s actually more expensive to attract new customers than it is to keep the ones you are already doing business with. To create and keep customer loyalty, consider implementing a few… (Read more)

Med-Spa Marketing Ideas For Success: Grow and Succeed


The med-spa market is growing at a fantastic rate, but opportunities to expand both your business and your future still abound. As with most businesses, the tricky part about developing a winning marketing technique is in the planning. Being open and accepting to new technical developments, products, protocols and trends – both within your industry and in marketing is always… (Read more)