Beauty Concerns for Women in Their 30’s

Turning 30 is one of many age-related milestone in a woman’s life, but this one is most often the source of significant anxiety. The transition from the still-youthful 20s to the “adult” 30s often sparks an emotional crisis in even the most poised and self-assured women.

Realistically, most women in their 30s don’t feel or look much different than they did several years earlier, but physical changes are in motion. While these mostly hormonal-based changes are a normal part of the aging process, every woman is unique and so are her beauty concerns.

This is the best time to make positive lifestyle changes that may slow the more visible signs of aging. With that goal in mind, here’s a look at some of the beauty concerns facing women in their 30s.


Cellulite develops in nearly every woman’s life – regardless of physical condition, weight or age. It affects so many women of all ages that it’s usually at the top of the list when it comes to beauty concerns. Exercise, a healthy diet and good daily hydration should be part of any woman’s daily beauty regimen, but these healthy habits, alone of combined, do little to affect the appearance of cellulite.

There are countless cellulite treatment products and procedures, including creams, salves, exercise machines and invasive surgical procedures, all claiming to be able to “cure” cellulite. While there is no cure for this benign, yet unattractive condition, thanks to major technological and protocols innovations, the latest generation of endermologie® treatments effectively reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Fine Lines

Women in their 30s tend to experience a slight dullness in skin color and a more sallow complexion. Expression lines, those fine lines around the eyes called crow’s feet and laugh lines around the mouth, start to develop. In smokers, all of these lines are deeper and more exaggerated.

Facial Changes

Hyperpigmentation, such as melasma, often develops on the forehead, chin and cheeks. These brown patches are usually caused by sun exposure, but women who are on birth control or pregnant can also develop melisma due to hormonal changes. Using a good exfoliating cleanser and overnight restorative product can help with such pigmentation problems.

Signs of volume loss become evident, especially around the chin and middle area of the face due to the natural slowdown of hyaluronic acid and collagen production. As a result, facial skin may start to sag slightly, making one look aged or tired. Setting up a Face endermologie® treatment program, which employs safe, non-aggressive Mécano-stimulation to areas of concern, can considerably improve the appearance of skin textur

Thinning Hair

It can be horrifying to see clumps of hair swirling around the shower drain or stuck in a hairbrush. While genetics can be blamed for some hair loss, stress, vitamin deficiencies, a poor diet and lifestyle can also contribute to dull, thinning hair. Eating a well-balanced diet rich in vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and protein can often help bring some life back to lifeless hair.

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Find endermologie® professionals in your area and treat yourself to Face and Body endermologie®.

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