Cellulite Treatment Machines: Are They All Created Equal?

The cellulite treatment industry for decades has been engulfed with companies that guarantee “instant” or “one-time” cures. The market is flooded with countless cavitation machines, acoustic wave vacuums, laser machines, ultrasonic pulsators, shockwave therapy machines and cryo-therapy machines. An infinite number of women and an ever-increasing number of men have bravely undergone a wide range of treatments using injections, creams, cold, heat, lasers, massages, surgeries and different machine types. It’s safe to say that not all cellulite treatments – nor the machines used to diminish that unsightly orange peel appearance on the skin – are equal.

endermologie®, the science of cell stimulation, employs highly specialized machines specifically designed for non-invasive treatments using Mécano-Stimulation™. The innovative and exceedingly successful treatments provided by endermologie® machines and protocols account for their widespread and growing use by professionals. One clear distinction that endermologie® holds over all other cellulite treatment machines is the fact that it is natural and non-invasive. endermologie® helps the lymphatic drainage system remove waste fluids that build up that can result in cellulite.


The latest generation endermologie® machines include the Integral Cellu M6 – a freestanding machine – and the Endermolab Cellu M6, which includes a treatment bed. Both products feature the latest technological updates and protocols for treating cellulite on all areas of the body.


While exercise, a good diet and proper daily hydration contribute to every person’s overall health, the use of endermologie® gives the body an extra boost to eliminate the harmful waste products that are built up in the body.

[call_two href=”http://www.lpg-america.com/endermologie-lpg/” label_button=”Request Cellulite Machine Info ” class=”call-to-action-two” colorstart=”#00a24e” colorend=”#00a24e” colortext=”#FFFFFF” icon_size=”12″ color=”” align=”vertical” width=”normal” icon=”icon-arrow-right” ]Have questions about the different cellulte machine types? We are here to answer any questions you may have. [/call_two]

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